Natural Casings
Natural Casings are best. The Proof is in the Sausage; even companies that use mainly artificial casings, predominantly still use Natural Casings for their High Quality Gouramy Sausage lines. What this means is higher quality sausage which should be made using Natural Casings And when its not it mainly because it is passed up by processors who are planning production for the wrong reasons - namely, lack of information.Some might want you to think Natural Casings are stuck in the past but what might surprise you is how far this traditional industry has come, Innovations have made Natural Casings More consistent, Stricter in Size, Better in Quality, Easier to use, more efficient and completely safe.Recent technology has all but eliminated the difficulties and significantly increased the profitability of producing Natural Casing sausage. The challenge then is to make this knowledge more freely available to decision makers of meat processing enterprises.The characteristics of natural casings yield high quality products that are uniform in flavour. For Retailers, the endothermic quality of Natural Casings means that the casing draws heat from the sausage and is it below the temperature of surrounding air, providing better shelf-life and maintaining a juicier, fresher appearance. For Consumers, the osmotic quality allows an intermingling of flavours inside and outside the sausage while cooking. What some people still don’t know is that sausages made in Natural Casings have a well-filled appearance causing the sausage (not just the ends) to appear almost perfectWe feel strongly that Natural Casings are the sausage makers' Best Choice because:· Natural Casings readily permit deep smoke penetration· Natural Casings have excellent characteristics of elasticity and tensile strength, to allow for high efficiency production and expansion during filling· Natural Casings protect the fine flavour of sausage, without contributing any conflicting flavourings of their own· Natural Casing Sausage has that special "snap" and tender bite that's like no other man-made product, and is so highly demanded by today's knowledgeable consumers· Sausage in Natural Casings stays tender and juicy· The osmotic quality of Natural Casings permits superb cooking· The term "Natural" is, and continues to be, one of the most powerful words influencing consumers' buying decisions.Other less well known characteristics of Natural casings are:· Superior tensile strength enables maximum yields· Sausage in Natural Casings has a well-filled appearance· Natural Casing Sausages have a fine appearance at link ends· A variety of product shapes contribute to an inviting appearance, and give sausage in Natural Casings strong display appeal NATURAL SHEEP CASING ALSO COMES IN USE TO PRODUCE SUTURES (MEDICAL STICHES ) THESE SUTURES ARE ABSORBABLE IN NATURE AND NATURAL . WIDELY USED IN SURGICAL ACTIVITIES AROUND THE WORLD.NATURAL SHEEP CASING ARE THE BEST PRODUCT TO RPODUCE MEDICAL STICHES AS THEY ARE MORE NATURAL AND LEAVE NO MARKS AFTER (POST) SURGERIES.AS THESE ARE NATURAL GETS ABSORBED VERY EASILY.
why natural casings
because they are :
A NATURAL PRODUCT DERIVED FROM SHEEP -The term "Natural" is, and continues to be, one of the most powerful words influencing consumers' buying decisions.